Sugar Plum needs your help

Poor, sweet Sugar has been through a lot. She has old bite marks on the top of her head, a bullet logged in her right hip, and injuries to both back legs that have healed incorrectly, causing her daily pain. Despite all of this, Sugar is one of the sweetest dogs you will ever meet. She is kind to every single soul that crosses her path even though the world has not been kind to her.

To eliminate the pain in Sugar’s legs, she needs two surgeries costing a total of $6,500. Bow Wow Buddies Foundation has given us a grant for $2,000 and two generous donors have offered to match donations up to another $2,000. This means that we only need to raise an additional $2,500 to ensure that Sugar has a pain free life in a loving home.

Every little bit helps, no one can do everything, but everyone can do something. We will update this page at the end of every day adding up donations from all platforms that are specified for Sugar.