Pet Food Pantry
10:00 AM10:00

Pet Food Pantry

Availability is not guaranteed. Please call ahead to ensure we have supplies. Proof of need is not currently required. You may visit once every two weeks. The same amount of dog food and cat food will be given to each household regardless of number of pets.

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Pet Food Pantry
10:00 AM10:00

Pet Food Pantry

Availability is not guaranteed. Please call ahead to ensure we have supplies. Proof of need is not currently required. You may visit once every two weeks. The same amount of dog food and cat food will be given to each household regardless of number of pets.

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CARE Closed
to Apr 2

CARE Closed

The CARE office will be closed from March 31st - April 2nd so that our staff can attend the Arkansas Animal Welfare Conference.

If you need to reach our staff, please email us at

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Pet Food Pantry
10:00 AM10:00

Pet Food Pantry

Availability is not guaranteed. Please call ahead to ensure we have supplies. Proof of need is not currently required. You may visit once every two weeks. The same amount of dog food and cat food will be given to each household regardless of number of pets.

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Pet Food Pantry
10:00 AM10:00

Pet Food Pantry

Availability is not guaranteed. Please call ahead to ensure we have supplies. Proof of need is not currently required. You may visit once every two weeks. The same amount of dog food and cat food will be given to each household regardless of number of pets.

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Pet Food Pantry
10:00 AM10:00

Pet Food Pantry

Availability is not guaranteed. Please call ahead to ensure we have supplies. Proof of need is not currently required. You may visit once every two weeks. The same amount of dog food and cat food will be given to each household regardless of number of pets.

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Pet Food Pantry
10:00 AM10:00

Pet Food Pantry

Availability is not guaranteed. Please call ahead to ensure we have supplies. Proof of need is not currently required. You may visit once every two weeks. The same amount of dog food and cat food will be given to each household regardless of number of pets.

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Pet Food Pantry
10:00 AM10:00

Pet Food Pantry

Availability is not guaranteed. Please call ahead to ensure we have supplies. Proof of need is not currently required. You may visit once every two weeks. The same amount of dog food and cat food will be given to each household regardless of number of pets.

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Volunteer Orientation
3:30 PM15:30

Volunteer Orientation

Come Join the CARE team and learn the basics of volunteering in our program and how to work with our rescue animals.

There will be hands on dog handling training from our Partners Leashes and Lashes.

To sign up please visit our volunteer app:

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Pet Food Pantry
10:00 AM10:00

Pet Food Pantry

Availability is not guaranteed. Please call ahead to ensure we have supplies. Proof of need is not currently required. You may visit once every two weeks. The same amount of dog food and cat food will be given to each household regardless of number of pets.

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Pet Food Pantry
10:00 AM10:00

Pet Food Pantry

Availability is not guaranteed. Please call ahead to ensure we have supplies. Proof of need is not currently required. You may visit once every two weeks. The same amount of dog food and cat food will be given to each household regardless of number of pets.

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CARE at Kendra Scott
11:00 AM11:00

CARE at Kendra Scott

All day, shop in store (in the Promenade at Chenal) or online at, and 20% of the proceeds will directly benefit CARE for Animals.

Also, from 11AM - 2PM, CARE will have some adoptable cats in store for you to meet. Swing on by and meet your new best friend!

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Pet Food Pantry
10:00 AM10:00

Pet Food Pantry

Availability is not guaranteed. Please call ahead to ensure we have supplies. Proof of need is not currently required. You may visit once every two weeks. The same amount of dog food and cat food will be given to each household regardless of number of pets.

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Pet Food Pantry
10:00 AM10:00

Pet Food Pantry

Availability is not guaranteed. Please call ahead to ensure we have supplies. Proof of need is not currently required. You may visit once every two weeks. The same amount of dog food and cat food will be given to each household regardless of number of pets.

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Pet Food Pantry
10:00 AM10:00

Pet Food Pantry

Availability is not guaranteed. Please call ahead to ensure we have supplies. Proof of need is not currently required. You may visit once every two weeks. The same amount of dog food and cat food will be given to each household regardless of number of pets.

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Pet Food Pantry
10:00 AM10:00

Pet Food Pantry

Availability is not guaranteed. Please call ahead to ensure we have supplies. Proof of need is not currently required. You may visit once every two weeks. The same amount of dog food and cat food will be given to each household regardless of number of pets.

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Volunteer Orientation
4:00 PM16:00

Volunteer Orientation

Come Join the CARE team and learn the basics of volunteering in our program and how to work with our rescue animals.

There will be hands on dog handling training from our Partners Leashes and Lashes.

To sign up please visit our volunteer app:

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Feline Fanciers Cat Show
to Feb 16

Feline Fanciers Cat Show

  • Arkansas State Fairgrounds Hall of Industry (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come meet CARE’s Adoptable Kittens, enjoy a family fun event, and see all the beautiful cats at the Cat Show hosted by The Feline Fanciers. There is a costume contest on both Saturday and Sunday for all to enjoy. CARE is collecting donations and will have our merchandise onsite, all proceeds go directly to supporting our mission of helping rescue animals in Central Arkansas. We will be there from 9 am to 3 pm both days.

Link to event:

Location Arkansas State Fair Grounds Show hours 9 am-5 pm.

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