Sponsor a surgery for
Snip, Snip, Hooray!
What is Snip, Snip, Hooray?
Snip, Snip, Hooray is our annual free sterilization event where we partner with clinics across Arkansas to provide spay and neuter services for those who may not otherwise be able to afford it. Recipients receive a rabies vaccination (if needed), the sterilization surgery, and pain management for their pets. Owners will only be asked to provide a small deposit fee which will be immediately refunded in full upon confirmation their pet has been dropped off at the clinic for their scheduled surgery.
Why is it important?
The most common reason pet owners give for not spaying or neutering their pets is that they cannot afford the procedure. While there are various programs (including our spay/neuter voucher program) to help reduce the surgery cost, this can still be a significant barrier for individuals who are struggling to make ends meet. Individuals in need are the least equipped to handle unexpected litters and rescues and shelters alike are beyond capacity and often unable to offer much help once animals are born. Our goal is to reduce pet overpopulation by making spay/neuter services available to those most at risk.
How can you help?
For $50, you can sponsor a procedure for one animal to get fixed during our Snip, Snip, Hooray event. We send a customized graphic card to the recipient of your sponsored surgery. Snip, Snip, Hooray will take place and the end of February 2025. Tax receipts for donations will be issued for the year in which the donation was made.
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To sponsor a sterilization surgery, just fill out the form below and after you click “Submit”, you will be directed to our payment portal. If you sponsor multiple surgeries then we will assume you would like the same card template used for all unless you make a note otherwise.